Anantah March 2022

SKC Program Updates
- MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDERS From the desk of Shalini and Sameer Kamboj
- HOW SKC GRADS SPREADS CONSCIOUSNESS What are our SKC GRADS upto Let’s hear it from them... Acts of Consciousness - by Akhilesh Bhargava
- INSIDER STORIES Connect with the SKC values Curious to know what’s happening inside SKC?
SKC Programs/Events
From the desk of Shalini and Sameer Kamboj
Our journey back to Delhi from Rishikesh, a beautiful town nestled by the banks of the Ganges on
the foothills of the Himalayas, was a pleasant – unpleasant experience. What was unpleasant was we
were so engulfed in the peace and tranquillity of Rishikesh that we didn’t want to leave just yet.
We would miss the soothing sounds of the Ganges flowing right outside our doorstep, the
countless birds paddling in it, and then soaring above to playfully move on to the next meaningless
destination on the same river. We would miss the crisp winter chill of the river breeze and the clouds
enveloping the mountains, almost as if playing hide and seek with the vast forest that lay beyond
the waters in varied hues of greens. We would miss the silence, the gurgling of the sweet waters, the
chirping of the birds, and the occasional trumpets of the elephants in the forest.
What was pleasant was that we were coming back to the comforts of our home. We were coming
back to all those people who were now on the brink of their patience waiting for us.
While the ride was delightful, we were in for a surprise that waited for us back home.
Our staff had beautifully decorated the entire house with flowers and rangoli to welcome us. So
much love and joy spread all around this decoration that every nook and corner of the house had the
essence of their love.

This experience made us ponder upon the thought, “How can you make your people fall in love with you?”
To think about it, it’s pretty simple – if you fall in love with them, chances are they will fall in love with you too.
However, it’s the fear in our minds that keeps raising objections to this simple proposition.
Questions like:
“Would they exploit us and our love?”
“Can they be trusted?”
“Will they leave us at their convenience?”
“Are they in it for extra few bucks, or is their love true?”
And the questions are certainly not exhaustive.
Think about your own experience with unconditional love and the precious moments of love and
acceptance offered to you by someone else. It’s unfortunate that humankind has become so scared
and hurt that it is losing faith in humanity, so much so that even recalling such experiences can be
challenging for some.
The combination of skepticism and judgment with fear leaves less room for acceptance of love from
others. We are so accustomed to fear that all we now see are ghosts! It is only when we go beyond
the skepticism that we get the opportunity to notice kindness, love, and acceptance by people known
and unknown to us.
Do you even remember how that feels? Just imagine if you could make others feel the same way as
We often confuse love and acceptance with leniency and associate toughness with the lack of love
and acceptance. It’s strange how our minds work. When a mother scolds her child for not waking up
on time, it’s not out of anger but sheer love that she toughens up for her child’s wellbeing.
Similar questions popped in our minds as well when we reached home. But instead of keeping
the thought in our minds, we asked them, “Why do you love us so much when we constantly keep
challenging you, pointing out your mistakes, and pushing you to be better?” To which they lovingly
replied, “Your love for us is visible in everything you do for us and tell us.”
This is the power of consciously aligning your intent with your purpose.
As you read this, we urge you to contemplate each word and share this love with others. Our purpose
is to show you the possibility that life, when lived consciously, is more joyful and successful than
living unconsciously.
We believe that, and we believe in YOU!
True Significance of Maha Shiva Ratri

If yes, then you are grossly limiting the concept of “Shiva”.
Yes, there was an individual, who lived the part; the ancient city of Kashi (known today as Varanasi) is the proof of that story. However, if we stop at “Shiva the person”, we will just miss the big picture.
Humans evolved from single-celled, underwater organisms, to our current form. In the beginning, too, humans were able to achieve attainment. However, back then, they were drenched in intellectualization and anger. Slowly, as we progressed, we moved towards the ultimate state of Consciousness – which happened with the culmination of the concept of Shiva.
Let us understand this further and the significance of Maha Shiv Ratri, and why we celebrate it.
Maha Shiv Ratri is not just about tonight.
Tonight is only a culmination. A culmination of what happened in the last six months. There are several festivals during this time, most are based on the lunar cycle. All these festivals are to indicate specific milestones. We aim to reach those destinations and attain the stages that those specific times signify.
This journey starts with Shraad (Sanskrit: श्राद्ध). Tradition preaches that Shraad is not an auspicious time to start new endeavours. In fact, it is a time to pray to the dead. When we start remembering them, we recollect their good as well as bad qualities. We particularly feel very guilty while remembering their bad deeds.
In true practice, the first step of this process is to accept and understand that those who passed away, still continue to be the absent navigators of our current journeys. This is because of the habit of thought that we get programmed with. Shraad is an opportunity for us to free ourselves from these pre-ordained paths and get liberated to design our own lives. The intention behind the tradition was to make one free from diversions and conditioning (due to the acts of our ancestors) and to contemplate. Not as mindless believers but as practitioners undertaking the journey of consciousness.
After Shraad comes Navrati. This is the time when we actively experience energy in three distinct forms. We call these Durga (addresses Mooladhar) – Laxmi (addresses Swadhishthan) – Saraswati (the ultimate quest of knowledge and wisdom). The nine nights of Navratri is a time to work on all these levels for a “total cleansing”. Read more about the significance of Navratri. Once this process of cleaning is complete, we are in time for Dussehra (the day to fully overcome the unconscious).
The idea is, that by now all our pre-ordinance is burnt and we are totally cleansed. It is now time for Dipawali. Particularly, on the night of Amavasya, we have the possibility of the Gift of Light! This presents endless possibilities for unlimited light to tear through pitch darkness and for wonderous fireworks to happen within us. If only we are prepared and we are present. Of course, one has to sincerely work on oneself to reach here.
This is the stage “life seekers” will attain totally, and will be willing to stop. However, for the ones who want to understand all about life, Dipawali is the start, for which Maha Shiv Ratri will be the culmination.
All along, Nature also sends us messages. There is more night and less day – which means there is more time to go within. The idea is to keep “shrinking within” during winter. When spring starts and solstice happens, there is an upsurge of energy that is most appropriate at this time.
Hence, the true significance of Maha Shiv Ratri is for those people who started their journey during Shraad. However, if you did not, you can carry this with you from here on, so that you may experience something by next year. Tonight is the opportunity for those who want to reach the full cycle. Tonight is the possibility. This period is most conducive, but you have to prepare enough so that eventually when the possibility comes, you are available and ready.
There is no magic, no miracle – it is a process and practice. Shiva is the ultimate possibility that can be attained. We aim to be Sada Shiva – to be Forever Enlightened and have the ability to engage with every single creature, most profoundly.
It can happen only if you work on yourself.
From the Coach’s Desk
Building Conscious Culture
A few days back, I visited a coffee shop with my friend. It was a bright sunny day on a cold winter morning in Delhi. Those who have experienced Delhi winters would know the value of such rare sunny days.
As I was enjoying my hot cup of coffee, I noticed the head of housekeeping instructing a new joinee to clear the dried leaves off the floor. He then instructed him to meet him at the other side of the shop once he had cleaned this area.
The new employee hastily picked up a few leaves, threw them in the bin, and left for the next task. As I was sipping my coffee, I couldn’t stop witnessing this situation. There were still a few leaves lying around the corners, which the employee seemed to have overlooked. Without any judgments towards this young man, I noticed that he was poorly dressed and failed to maintain basic hygiene in his clothes.
It was then that I realized the irony of the situation. Someone who was not a practitioner of cleanliness was given the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene at the workplace. This was just one example, but there are many examples around us that ultimately make an entrepreneur think his team is inefficient. This event made me realize that the new joinee had the skills of executing the role of a housekeeper, but he lacked the attitude required to fulfill this role.
As entrepreneurs, we focus on training the skills of our employees to develop their efficiency. But there is a requirement to help our team members to develop attitudes and a culture to enable them to play their respective roles and enhance effectiveness.
In my opinion, the ‘new employee’ could enhance his effectiveness by simply developing an attitude
of keen observation and volunteering.
As entrepreneurs, we can change the game by defining various attitudes for different roles and
constantly training and developing our team members.
This is what would help us lead towards building a culture of consciousness.
Conscious Entrepreneurship Program (CEP)
September 2021 Batch
CEP September 2021 Batch culminated its Midterm Evaluation on Jan 11, 2022, with 11 participants who shared such beautiful realizations on the completion of the Founder Pillar!
Participants shared how the CEP tools have helped them become time conscious and led them to get clarity on how they would achieve their goals. They realized that the time saved is the time contributed to their organization.
Significant achievements that navigate them towards their path of consciousness, when consciously worked upon are:
- Letting go of ego-driven goals
- Not being judgemental
- Saying No to a business that is not aligned with their purpose
- Realizations on attitudes and habits
Congratulations to our participants Smita Jain, Suvrat Mittal, Vikas Agarwal, Shikha Rakha, Mohit Choudhary, Pooja Bhargava, Dr Nitin Kumar Gupta, Shilpi Mehra, Santosh Kumar, Devika Modi, Joceline Joshy, Vivek Puohit.
Conscious Entrepreneurship ProgramTM (CEP)
Cactus November 2021 Batch Mid-Term Sharings
When the participants are excited, the learnings magnify beyond our expectations! Such was our thrilling experience with the Midterm Sharing with Team Cactus Communications.
Cactus Participants had their Midterm sharing over two days. You can only imagine the number of learnings that were shared over such a long duration of time! The key learnings and takeaways shared in this midterm were enough to blow our minds.
We would like to share a few of the learnings from the participants:
“The Pyramid of Success has helped me align with principles, values, and purpose. My goals are getting aligned for FY 2023 at the work front, as well.”
“My biggest learning was just the awareness and understanding that each individual is different. They will respond/react to situations differently, so it is okay – I don’t need to change the people around me; I will simply accept them.”
“GAP (Goal Action Plan) was most effective for me to detail out my thought process – discussion with stakeholders – and be able to get things done in a time-bound way.”
“I am now an active planner instead of being a mere participant.”
“Listing my likes and dislikes has helped me to channel my direction.”
“Firstly, I need to go easy on myself. Secondly, I need to plan my day in such a way that it is more achievable and realistic.”
“I was a ‘Yes Man’ for everything, but now I know where to say ‘No’ and prioritize. I can set the boundaries between personal and professional space!”
“This program has empowered me. It has shown me levers that I can use to really further myself as a professional and as a human being.”
The best part of the midterm was how every participant ensured they all had one takeaway (to say the least) from each other. Everybody cheered for one another – that in itself was such a beautiful sight!
This marks the completion of the Founder Pillar of the Program, and we continue our journey towards the People Pillar!

Congratulations, Team Cactus!

We are pleased to inform you that the screening for the first batch of Anaavaran for 2022 will be commencing shortly.
Anaavaran, a program conceptualized out of sheer love by our mentors Sameer Ji and Shalini Ji, shares some powerful learnings of “Peeling off Layers”. Layers that restrict the expression of the true self. “Anaavaran” focuses entirely on the growth and evolution of the individual through the ancient science of ‘Gyan Marg’, which is the understanding or the study of the self.
If you are keen to apply for the screening, please share your details on the “Expression of Interest” form by clicking on the link below.
Please Note:-
- We have only limited seats.
- All the applications will strictly be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Feel free to contact us for any queries or to know more about the program.
Anaavaran Workshop
February 2022
अनावरण ‘ is the intrinsic need of every being who’s born as Human. It’s the source through which we operate.
अनावरण itself means:
- Peeling the layers
- Realizing your true version
It is a four-day workshop wherein around 25 people chose the opportunity to get initiated into Sthir
Pragya Kriya and Mano Vikar Mukti Kriya.
Some of the common takeaways of this workshop were:
- Beginning the journey of “Who Am I” – a journey of clarity
- Enhance engagement with people and life around you
- Improve your mental health
- Resolve life’s conflicts through enhanced consciousness
- Going beyond compulsive emotions
- Become meditative
We would like to congratulate them on their choice of evolution. Along with their buddy Sadhaks’ support, we are thrilled to support them on this journey!
Congratulations to Abhitesh Das, Akshara Sharma, Anant Prakash, Anurag Gupta, Bobbie Kaur, Brotin, Dia Mehta Bhupal, mokshee sharma, Neerale Kamdar, nikky punia, Piyush Mehta, Priti Sahni, Priyata Dixit, Punita Jindal, Radhika Agrawal, Shalini Sharma, Sidharth Sharma, Vani Khosla, Vijay Jindal, Vijit Agrawal, Vipul Ashri, Viveka Narang, Yuvraj.

Essentials of Success (EOS)
Essentials of Success is a home-grown program of SKC. It is specially designed for junior management teams, aspiring entrepreneurs and students to provide them with an enthusiastic and productive way of life and work. It is conducted in open batches as well as specific batches of organizations, institutes, etc.
When Essentials of SuccessTM (EOS) is applied to organizations and institutes, the EOS program deals with issues like building effective teams, establishing a problem-solving approach in people, and achieving and aligning with organizational goals.
EOS consist of 6 Powerful Sessions online every alternate week.
Takeaways :-
- Time Management
- Clarity of mind and Intent
- Responsibility and Accountability
- Confidence Building
- Effective Communication
- Goals and Desire Management
- Decrease in Crisis and Conflicts

Essentials of SuccessTM (EOS)
November Batch 2021 Graduation!
On Tuesday, February 01, 2022, SKC World witnessed the culmination of yet another remarkable EOS (Essentials of Success) Program November 2022 Batch.
We had 14 participants from leading companies like AVI Global Plast, LexiConn, Novarch Architects, and Qtech Software. We are delighted to share that they have successfully graduated with beautiful and profound realizations. EOS graduates are thrilled to adopt the learnings and are committed to implementing them in their lives.
Here are some of the realizations that our graduates have shared with utmost joy:
- “I am now able to spend more time with my family and maintain the work-life balance.”
- “EOS has made me realize that I can control my emotions and respond instead of reacting in situations.”
- “It is because of the program and its tools that I have gained the courage to present in front of so many people!”
- “EOS has shown us a mirror, and we are happy to accept the reflection and work on ourselves!”
- “I am closer to achieving my goals with the Goal planning tool that has such systematic steps-breaking down goals into micro-steps, enabling us to work towards them in the right and required manner.”
- “Sthir Pragya Kriya is a powerful tool that has helped maintain calm and take the required action, and the incident diary has helped identify emotions, further helping in emotional management.“
- “I joined this program at a stage where I used to feel downhill due to a personal loss. With this program, I feel complete now, and the need for having others for my happiness has gone. I feel happy within.”
What could have been more beautiful than this? These are just a few extracts from the sharings of the participants!
The Senior leaders were filled with so much joy and satisfaction when they heard the accomplishments of their team members. They acknowledged these changes and added more value to their learning by sharing their feedback.
One of the most beautiful things that happened during the Final Evaluation was that one of the companies proposed practicing meditation as a routine at work, both in morning and evening. This togetherness is what takes us far!
Congratulations to Rahul Kathet, Prashant Malwe, Mukesh Damor, Shilpa Parab, Prakash Iyer, Nirbhay Singh, Bhagwan Negi, Baban Zolekar, Tanusha Bhargava, Nikhil Mulchandani, Shamik Chakraborty, Anubhav Singh, Rameshchandra Patel.

Cactus Communications becomes remote-first globally
Let’s hear it from them…
Acts of Consciousness
The pandemic forced us to rethink how we work, communicate, and collaborate with one another. Six months into the lockdown, we initiated groundwork on becoming a remote-first organization. We didn’t know when the pandemic would end, but we knew the workplace would never be the same.
I joined CACTUS in July 2021 to help it transition to a remote-first setup, and in the last few months, we have made concerted efforts to factor in opinions from Cactizens spread across 14 countries before drafting the remote-work policy and guidelines. I have to say helping a global company like CACTUS has been exciting—and not without challenges. But the feedback we have received from Cactizens has been encouraging and we will continue to support Cactizens embrace this change fully.
As a first step toward developing a remote-first model, we surveyed employees to better understand work preferences and current challenges. We found that an overwhelming majority of employees wanted flexibility in how and where they worked, with some wanting fulltime remote work. A core team then benchmarked other remote-first companies and spoke with industry thought leaders to learn best practices. Several pilots were conducted to gain insight on what practices would work best for the company.
Although CACTUS will still maintain its company offices, the company will no longer be office-centric. Employees will not be required to live near the office and even those that live near a company location will have the flexibility to choose whether they want to work from the office.
We have to remind ourselves that working remotely during the pandemic is much different than working remotely after the pandemic. There will be more options and flexibility in the future. However, we need everyone in the company to have the mindset of a remote worker and learn to work with colleagues who may be working from a different location and a different time-zone. Embracing remote-first means we will have to evolve our culture and adapt our work practices.
In the next year, we will focus on adapting policies, processes, and training to better suit a remote context. At a team and department level, leaders can leverage the learning from the previous remote pilots while experimenting with new techniques or technology to improve collaboration and communication.
We look forward to the continued support of everyone associated with CACTUS.
“While the world was forced into an 18-month experiment with remote work, we’ve been thinking about embracing remote-first for a long time. Our primary reason behind adoption of a remote-first culture is our evolution as a global company. When too many people are concentrated in a specific 1office location, the loudest voices are the ones closest to you. With customers in over 160 countries, we want to be close to them and responsive to their needs. We also want all employees across the globe to equally contribute to the direction of the company. We are not trying to do the same old things from a distance. We need to rethink and reinvent how we work together. In the end, moving to remote-first will give our people greater freedom, flexibility, and a chance to re-imagine our lives.”
— Abhishek Goel, CEO and Co-founder
“Going remote-first opens us up to a global talent pool. We are no longer restricted to a specific geographic location. We can provide opportunities to wherever we can find the right talent. In fact, over half of the people we hired since the pandemic began, are not near a CACTUS office. They are dispersed across 14 countries and 165 different cities.”
— Yashmi Pujara, Chief Human Resources Officer
Connect with the SKC values
Coming from a legal background, I always tried to find the logic behind everything. I had my own ways of doing things that made me feel comfortable, so much so that it made me a narcissistic person, a person who was always on the lookout for perfection. All of these things were happening to me unconsciously as I was living the life of an ignorant person. The downside of being an ignorant person is the constant emptiness that further breeds unpleasant feelings. I truly felt I was running in circles, wherein my unconscious mind used to take charge and leave me with these feelings.
In 2015, I joined SKC, which I believe was the turning point of my life. Initially, I felt excellent, but gradually, I faced another roadblock when I started dealing with colleagues. There was a contrast in our working methods, which made me think if I was better off working independently. However, I am so glad I had SKC as the guiding light otherwise, I would have fallen in life due to my ignorance. SKC has provided me with life-altering tools like Sthir Pragya Kriya and Mano Vikar Mukti Kriya, which have helped me realize the actual problem: “Yeh jhol ho raha hai mere saath” (Something is off with my life).
I then realized my actions and learnings, wherein I could have been responsive instead of reactive. These practices have not only brought me self-realization but have also provided me with the courage to accept these realizations and work on them by breaking the walls of compulsion and deep-rooted perceptions that have been there since childhood.
We all know of successful and highly achieved people around us, amongst which there is a high percentage of people who are still struggling to find joy and satisfaction in their lives. This solely happens because of their hard work and the attitude of being “self-made,” which takes them away from showing gratitude in life. A gratitude-less life slowly becomes a life of pride, thereby fanning the ego. And when ego comes into the picture, it takes away the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, further leading us into our mental blocks. The funny part if that you will find these people saying, “Tum jante nahi ho mein kaun hu” (You don’t know who I am), when that’s true. They are genuinely seeking help from others in finding the answer to that question!
This is because they have always focused on improving their external life and never took a chance to explore their inner life. Our mind contains junk memories or experiences that give birth to our thoughts. Through these thoughts, we control our actions and live life unconsciously, thereby limiting ourselves from going beyond our old experiences or memories. And when we focus on improving our inner life, we replace these memories with positive thoughts.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.”
-Margaret Thatcher
While being on this journey, I have learned that consciousness does not mean only awareness; instead, it is a continuous process of self-development. A process that makes us more acceptable and adaptable to the situations, enabling us to make the right decisions for the right results.
The real journey isn’t about seeking new heights or achievements but having new eyes. If we have this, then before we complicate our journey, our journey will overwhelm it.

Curious to know what’s happening inside SKC?
SKC Meet , Jan 3, 2022 – New Year Celebration
All team members shared the recent developments in their work and life. Sharing always binds us closer as it is more than just professional achievements or learnings!
The Leadership shared their messages for the whole team.
Sameer Kamboj – Founder & Mentor | SKC World
“Mission of SKC is if people are happy they will be productive.
Focus on your increased productivity.
If you’re happy and productive, then you are on the right track.”
Shalini Kamboj – Chief Emotions Officer | SKC World
‘Live every day like it’s a new day!’
Focus on how I want to improve rather than comparing and judging others!
It is the mental framework – so have the power of switching yourself on and off.
Be happy and keep growing!

Tadaaaaa…!!! SKC Founder – Sameer Kamboj’s Birthday!
Did you wish him? Well, peep into how we ensured we get a bit of his day! 😊
It was such a jolly day! All team members came together to celebrate his birthday virtually by making the sweetest video with all the birthday wishes. They even renamed their names to “Happy Birthday” on the surprise virtual call. The icing on the cake was when Shalini Ma’am sang the birthday song in such high spirits that Sir couldn’t stop himself from dancing to it. What could have been a cuter moment than this!
So what if we couldn’t have a physical birthday party? We thoroughly laughed and enjoyed this virtual party!
Psst, we definitely won’t let go of the actual birthday party as well! (Sssh, secret)
To many more celebrations like these!! 😊